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Church Service 

Sundays at 11am

Adult Sunday school 
Sundays at 10am 

Corporate Bible Study 
Wednesday at 7pm

Men's Bible Study:
Every Wednesday at 6pm 

Women's Bible Study:
2nd and 4th Friday at 7pm
via zoom

Stay Close To Jesus,
No Matter Where You Are


Come join us every Sunday and worship with us! Or be sure to check our facebook page to watch the service live if you can't make it in person. Be sure to bring your praise shoes and a notepad!

Study group


Find your ideal small group for prayer,  inspiration, encouragement and laughter, whether it's women's, men's, youth or recovery. We have a place for you! 


We have multiple ways that you can partner with us electronically! Because of your generosity we are able to impact our immediate community and beyond. 


Online or In house, your gifts are needed! From sharing a sermon or study to aiding in feeding our homeless and everything in between, let’s get you plugged in, contact us now!

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